Friday, March 25, 2016

Being Serious about Your Craft

One of the things that I’ve read about, and I understand fully, is being serious about your craft while your working/honoring Hecate. Of course this doesn’t apply if your mainly doing devotional work and don’t do any form of spellcraft or work with energies. If you do call yourself a witch, and want to honor Hecate, you better actually be doing what you claim that your doing. Hecate don’t have time for fake witches.

One of the things that Hecate has inspired me to do is get my stuff together and actually work my craft. One of the biggest things that has kept me from doing my craft is fear. And not fear that people out in the world will find out that I’m a witch but from my mother. My mother is one scary woman and I don’t have the money to move away. However I still have my altar/shrine and, thankfully, she’s said nothing.

The point that I’m trying to make is that most people don’t have an excuse as to why they don’t craft as much as they should. They live away from home and they don’t have the problems that I have. Hecate knows if your reasons are valid and she also helps to get rid of those reasons so that you can practice without problems. As for me I have plans to turn my room into a witchy room.
And I’ll be covering that change over the next several months. Anyway, be serious about your path and Hecate will be serious about hanging around.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

My Hecate Statue came In

My wonderful Hecate statue came in and I have to say that she’s beyond amazing. I feel that this is a good rep of her. I was also glad that she arrived unbroken. That’s one of the downsides of ordering anything that can break. You have no clue if you get it if it will be broken. Thankfully she wasn’t and I put her on my shrine and blessed her and gave her traditional incense that was burned in her temples.

The Hecate statue marks the last statue that I’m getting. I will not be ordering any other statues for a very long time. I’ve vowed never to become a hoarder of statues. Below is a photo of her.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Full Moon (March 2016)

Tonight, when the sun goes down, it will be the Full Moon and the half-way point of the Hellenic month. In a book on Hellenic worship Hecate is honored along with Selene and Artemis. To me these three goddess make up the women in most of the statues that we know to be Hecate. Unlike Sunday’s Ostara I will be doing this ritual at night. I will be burning my Black Magic candle, burning my Full Moon incense, and my Hecate candle. I hope that you all have a good one and may you be blessed.

I would also like to note that it's also the Sacrifices to Kronos but I don't honor him.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Setting Up My Hecate Altar/Shrine

Yesterday I decided that it was about time to set up my Hecate shrine/altar. I have a small table and so I decided to use that to create it. I believe that it’s important to have a shrine/altar to her so that you can give her offerings, meditate, and burn candles. Most rituals to Hecate are done at the shrine/altar. This includes spellwork as well. My statue of Hecate will go on here as well, when I’m doing any kind of devotional work or ritual.

I got two long, black, candles and placed them in candle holders. I will be burning them when I do my daily devotions which includes offerings and prayers. I’m going to be doing this everyday and once those candles have burned down then I’ll move to my dragons blood pillars that I’m getting. I’m buying one on the first and then one later on in the month, along with holders for both of them (one will be with the first order and the other will be with the second order).

I put my black candle that has a Hecate candle label on it, on the shrine/altar, and the oracle and Tarot cards that I’m using. I also put a key that was part of a necklace, but broke. I really like how my altar/shrine turned out and I’m looking forward to using it daily. Personally I believe that those that do honor this goddess should have ‘something’ that marks a space for Hecate. I know that there are people that still live at home with their parents that can’t have a shrine/altar and that’s just sad.

As for me I believe having this shrine/altar set up is a good first step. In the future I will do a blog post about how to have a pocket shrine to Hecate.

Monday, March 21, 2016

How I Found Hecate and Expand My Dealing With Her

One of the things that is almost always asked by others is how did you find a certain goddess? The answer is that sometimes we don’t find them sometimes they find us. But for the fact that I titled this post ‘How I found Hecate and Expanded my dealings with her’ then I’ll just talk about how I came upon her and how I worship her. Back when I first was learning about Greek religion I came upon the story about the war between the Titans and the gods. At the end of the war Zeus gave punishments, and rewards, to the Titans.

Well those that had fought against the gods ended up in Tartarus but a couple of Titans got rewards. One of them was the goddess Hecate. She was given domain over the Earth, the Sky, and the Sea. The Earth part included the Underworld. She was just an awesome goddess and one that I felt a connection with. She protected the home and she had none of the stuff that would later on be added to her. The Greeks respected what she stood for even if they didn’t want mortals to do witchcraft.
She was dark and mysterious and an outcast.

There was just something about her that I really loved but I was also a bit scared of her. She had all this power and she could be pretty scary. And then all the things that I had heard about her. Her being a crone goddess, a dark goddess, all this stuff really annoyed me. Something inside me screamed at these people to stop calling her a filthy crone. They were reading fake stories that was passing as fact. And then the most damning thing of all came from the mouth of a Hellenist. ‘I will not honor a goddess that’s connected to witches.’

I felt shattered. Why not? She can’t help it that Wiccans have adopted her. Why are you so determined to deny her the due that she wants Hellenists to give her? Why do you hate her so much?

What did she do to you?

The answer is that she’s done nothing to deserve this kind of spitting treatment. She’s a powerful goddess and her followers love her to bits. They are protective of her and don’t understand why some Hellenists are acting like a bunch of morons. Honoring her during the New Moon was the only time that I did any offerings. However I felt as though something was missing from my Hellenic worship and then I found that she was also honored during the Full Moon. So I did that.

As I honored her more and more I felt as though she needed to be given offerings every day and so I started doing that. A couple of months ago I bought a wall plaque of her. I had bought one a couple of years ago but never brought it with me. Now I had the plaque, a black candle that’s labeled with Hecate’s likeness, proper incense, and a prayer card. And then soon I’ll have a statue of her. I’m finding that Hecate is more than what Hellenist believe her to be and even New Age pagans believe her to be.

I just love her and I’m glad that I found her.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Beginning of Spring

So today marks the beginning of spring. Finally the winter is over and all this new growth and new beginnings can actually begin. Of course the weather has been freaky and I could just feel the energy as Persephone makes her plans to pack her bags and get back home to mother. For many that practice Wicca, which I don’t, it’s Ostara. Ostara is the second of the three spring festivals and it’s a time of waking up and feeling things starting again.

Hecate plays a role in this. She guides Persephone home to her mother, out of the underworld, so that growth can begin. She is also the only one, of two gods, that saw Hades taking Persephone, or Kore, away. So Hecate plays a important role during this time. My ritual to Hecate, as well as Persephone and Demeter (can’t have her without the others) will be simple. I’m going to do a simple ritual, hopefully outside, and give libations to these three goddess and leave an offering to the animals.

I have to be very careful about what I leave out. I don’t want the animals to die just because I made a mistake and gave them something poisonous. I hope that you all have a good one and may whatever spring plans that you have happen.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

I Ordered a Hecate Statue

So I decided to buy a Hecate statue. Now I have a wall plaque of Hecate but if I want to put her on my altar then I need to put her up against something and that’s now how I want my altar to look like. I had to buy a $50.00 Amazon card so that I could even buy it, but boy was it worth it. This Hecate looks better than the others that I’ve seen and it wasn’t too expensive. Of course I will have to hide the statue as my mother can’t stand them. I know that she’ll make a great addition to my altar and I will post what it looks like when I get it.

Until then I will show you a photo of the statue so that you can see what it looks like.